I will make this scarf again but will offset a vibrant color palette with more neutral tones and/or black. CO — Cast on K — Knit MC — Main color P — Purl Sl 1 — Slip 1 Wyif — With yarn in front Sts — stitches Pattern Notes This is Jared Flood’s Noro Scarf Pattern, specified here to make a scarf 5.5 inches wide. I finished the Noro striped scarf.....and immediately cast on for another. To tell you the truth, I really hope to knit another one soon! average difficulty from 5778 ratings. Pattern Notes: - Cast on 39 - Slip stitch purlwise at each end on 2 nd row or stripe pattern. Here is my progress so far ---I picked up 4 skeins of Noro Silk Garden (original weight) from the Three Bags Full Anniversary Sale last weekend (omygod it was a zoo in there, but that's a story for another day). Hannahknits. Noro Scarf - #40 and #272 - Hand Knit Striped Scarf in Orange, Yellow, Red, Blue and Purple - Wool LittleBluePedalCarDZ. The Noro Striped Scarf is a common pattern that’s been written up by many knitters over the years. Pattern Instructions With MC, CO 39 sts. The stripes are worked in two shades of Noro Silk Garden Lite that alternate every two rows, giving a beautiful variegated stripe that changes colour along the length of the scarf. I am really pleased with my decision. I learned some things while doing the first, and I'm applying that knowledge to the second one. I also made a (small) Noro striped scarf and had the same 'problem' as you when the colours were at some point the same. 15675 projects, in 5530 queues overall rating of 4.6 from 5260 votes. I cast on first thing Sunday morning, and couldn't put it down. This scarf is knitted on a circular needle forming a tube. I'm referring to the Noro Striped Scarf made famous by Brooklyn Tweed. And if you choose Noro Silk Garden, the conventional wisdom is that it’s very difficult to find two colorways that fail to play nice. From shop LittleBluePedalCarDZ. It doesn't bother me. Needles: The original pattern called for size 7 needles. Aran 45% Silk, 45% Mohair, 10% Wool 109 yards / 50 grams 51416 projects. I had need of a totally mindless knit. 5 out of 5 stars (21) 21 reviews $ 65.00. I widened the scarf and cast … About this yarn Silk Garden. And the color changing Noro Silk Garden keeps the knitting from becoming tedious. Lovely pictures again of your dogs in the snow! December 18, 2007 3:14 p.m. I chose these colors because they had a lot of dark tones, which I like. Setup row: With MC, sl … Materials: 4 skeins of Noro Silk Garden yarn, two of the same color for Main Color (MC) and one each of complementary contrast colors (CC) I used two skeins of color 201, one skein of color 239, and one skein of color 244 for my scarf. Noro Striped Scarf. Well, I like your scarf very much. I would knit it again anytime. As I mentionned in my previous post, the Noro Striped Scarf is the project that brought me back to knitting. It will work well with weekend denim looks. Knitting this scarf has been a pure pleasure. We like the version of this scarf that Jared Flood detailed in his “Notebook” over at Brooklyn Tweed.It’s also available as a free pattern on Ravelry and it’s great for beginners. The Noro Slip Stitch Stripe Scarf Designed by solmama November 2007 ... With MC, Cast On 36 stitches or a multiple of 3 sts for the desired width Row 1: *yif, sl 1, yib, K2, repeat from * to the end of the row Row 2: Knit Attach CC color yarn. by Jared Flood. This was definitely it! 1) Doing the scarf with an odd number of stitches cast on is annoying if one is slipping the first stitch of each row. This is a beautiful scarf of muted rainbow colors. The scarf is fringed when complete. clarity rating of 4.8 from 116 votes. by Noro.
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