:wave: Hello everybody! GRAPEFRUIT SEED EXTRACT- As for worming rabbits, grapefruit seed extract does the job well and is all natural. I see Dandelion is good for urinary infections, but its winter and there are none around. Rabbit.org (the House Rabbit Society’s website) has a good article on Appropriate Use of Antibiotics in Rabbits (and there are no gross pictures on the page…) 2019-10-19. Chinchillas, rabbits, and guinea pigs love whole echinacea plant! There seem to be a lot of mosquitoes around my rabbits. When i serve dinner i dish up for him as well, he loves homemade veg soup, stews, roast potatoes/chips, biscuits, variety of fruit. I have used most of these herbs on my rabbits over the last 30 years, use with caution and know what you are feeding your rabbits. What do you recommend i do? Although many plants are considered deer or rabbit resistant very few will not be eaten when there is no or very little other foods available to them. You could probably find a supplement that contains echinacea or something similar for immunity specifically for rabbits. It is also a great herb to dry and add to your winter hay blend! There are more but these are the best preventive measures I have found and use. He is on 2x/day antibiotics, nose drops and more. The ACV was really helpful for my rabbits! It can be grown in nearly every backyard and easily available at most health food stores. How much Garlic would you recommend to worm a 3.5 pound rabbit? I am very fortunate that I am able to observe them a lot. Although evidence of efficacy in the treatment of infections is limited, use of echinacea as prophylaxis for upper respiratory tract infections has been reported. Are rabbits ok with the Glycerin base? She has been on antibiotics. Good for gastric inflammations. Not sure its clearing it up. All these are useful plants for a food source as well as a medicinal. Somehow I just found the version with the pictures on it too! Hope all is well with your rabbits. Good luck with your rabbit. It seems from the list that echinacea and garlic. Came upon this as my bunny sneezed a few times, amazing info, off to the store now, thanks. For hair blocks, I used 1/4 tsp. A great supplement for rabbits. Harvest before and during flowering in summer discard the woody stems. Echinacea is a genus of flowering plants in the Daisy family (Compositae).Commonly called purple coneflowers, there are nine different species of Echinacea with three of these species used for medicinal purposes: Echinacea purpurea, E. angustifolia, and E. pallida. How much should I be feeding him? If you aren’t using the pitching’s in your own food that day, your rabbits would be glad to help you out.Basil is a good food item to add to your rabbits diet! Jasper had a nasty reaction to his sawdust and ended up with a really poorly eye. We have meat rabbits, and I have English Angoras! There are a few herbs that will help Comfrey, Echinacea, and Plantain. there is no cure for snuffles every one says to cull. (Someone recommended diluting the alcohol-based tinctures…that’s a new one to me.). Thanks so much. Hi there! ( Log Out /  I haven’t found a dose for rabbits. Sorry, for your buck. Would that work? Please help me. 5-6 tablets of papain can be fed twice a week. Echinacea is a natural antibiotic, anti-viral, and anti-inflamatory agent. Do you have any suggestions for a good place to buy organic dandelion root or an online supplier? SORREL – Very cooling and soothing, it is a much cherished treat in the summer. This herb should be used with caution and should be avoided during pregnancy. the Echinacea I use the capsules from the store. sanitation Keep cages clean, wire brush any dropping that get stuck and clean cages thoroughly between litters. I have had wild rabbits at different homes eat my coneflowers also. This is something I feed in my daily green feed mix. In your opinion, what is the best mix of greens to give to rabbits daily? Rabbits don't always respond well to Western medical treatments and chemicals, but they often respond well to natural remedies. In the lower doses it’s the stimulant and in higher doses acts as an antibiotic. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. NETTLES – Increases milk flow in nursing does. Get your answers by asking now. On the other hand, if a rabbit is exhibiting watery stools rather than merely soft, a stronger medicine may be needed. It supports the immune system, good for the stomach, feed as a general tonic. Thanks so much for all of this helpful information. Do you have any tips for does who are not wanting to lift to be bred? In the case of ear infection by the time the head tilt shows up natural remedies can not work fast enough to cure, so antibiotics should be used. thanks! thanks . Medical forums have doses for immune support, cold attack, and all sorts of purposes. Sorry, I have never bought it, but a local heath food store may be able to help. SCOTCH PINE – bronchitis, sinusitis, neuralgia, rheumatism. All the mattered stuff has come away and on your advice to give them a drop to drink, he loves it. how much and what part of the plant do I give her? These are also good plants to dry and add to your winter hay blend! I will try to do what I can with what is available in my area. Are most of the herbs safe to use in powder form if fresh is not available? Feed during the last two weeks of pregnancy as a great preventive prenatal supplement. Leaves soothe urinary tract infections and irritations. This would also save me a fortune in vet bills as I have two house rabbits but have a disability my arm that means that I cannot now give the medication so I have to stay in the vets! Do you mind if I use some of this on my page? However, the therapeutic plasma concentration for rabbits is currently unknown, as the use of meloxicam is currently off label with no clinical trials conducted on rabbits. 100% Natural Dried Echinacea Leaves. Most of them have been treated with fungicides etc. Not only is it extremely easy to get rabbits to take their daily dose of herbs, they often seem to respond more rapidly than other animals. I would love to use this on my website. A comfrey salve will help with the sores and scabs. Bromelain is good for diarrhoea. Just make a cup of tea, a little stronger than you would drink it and add a teaspoon of honey. I wanted to know if it is food grade extract, or if you buy it specialty for rabbits? Leaves are rich in iron and are supposed to prevent miscarriage. Rabbits are, after all, plant nibblers, and they seem to love herbal additions sprinkled atop their usual diet. 2 Comments. I have also given them to the meat rabbits. Basil needs to be pinched down frequently to keep it from going to seed. I have a Mini Rex that is always sneezing. KIDNEY OR BLADDER PROBLEMS- Any diuretic that will increase urine flow is good for the urinary tract in rabbits. All ingredients are naturally sourced, no additives, no chemicals & perfectly safe for all animals. Recommended Rabbit Analgesic & Anesthetic Agents . In spring it is very useful because it starts early when greens are a bit limited. Thank you! Just a reminder that seeds purchased for planting are not safe for rabbits. I am amazed by your information,so impressive..you truely answerd alot of questions i have regarding the ailments of my rabbs,thank you so much for taking the time to post your knowledge. Also how to make/apply the tea? Trying to avoid having to go to the Vet. Who knew?! Also for the other things like dandelion root tea and chamomile tea can it be mixed with ACV? Hopefully it will help. I feed a few leaves every now a then to my rabbits daily greens mix to boost the immune system and fight infection. While you do your daily chores, simply stop, look, and listen. Sometimes I make the tablets myself, and I give him 36mg per day – of the echinacea/goldenseal capsules. A couple of days its eye was just parted the a little open but it was completely white. Check out the podcast section on the web page had lots of fun doing them, have Rabbit Revolution Radio in the works and more pod casts on the way. I believe that most of the health problems rabbits have are brought on by an imbalance in their immune systems that allows the bacterial and parasitic disease to get a hold in the rabbits system. Use with caution due to likelihood of debilitating side effects. You don’t need to worry about feeding too many. I once used rooibos tea to treat my male rex for a weepy eye and it cleared up fine , rooibos tea is amazing for everyone also fed to pet mouse with an unknown lump under her neck (unknown as i never had to go to the vet) ,it disappeared completely and she has been fine evr since! Willow twigs and leaves. I agree with the Echinacea use a tea in the water, or fresh leaves ( I try to add some leaves in my daily green feed ). One of the most important daily chore in your quest for raising rabbits is observation. Our sources suggest a daily dosage of 6 to 9 ml (four or five droppersful) of the pressed juice of fresh, flowering plants, or 900 mg of dried, powdered root. These plants will aid in firming the stools but they are also part of a healthy diet and will not cause constipation. Is there anything I could give her to perhaps make her happy and also to make her weight gain faster? I use an old syringe w/o the needle to squirt into the eye. Please email me if possible Thanks! Echinacea- I use a few of the stems and leaves on top of their daily food as a preventive immune system booster. BLUE COHOSH- Works in the same ways as Shepard’s Purse. https://riseandshinerabbitry.com/2012/06/09/medicinal-herbs-for-rabbits If I have missed anything let me know I would be glad to add it to this post! (Blackwells, 2011) Rarely indicated in rabbits. Just yesterday I noticed that she has stopped eating as much as normal. Is there any herb that would help his spine? is it any golden rod? since my rabbit might have pneumonia, i want to feed him some dandelions. The babies are about 3 weeks old, and seem to be doing just fine. Some one did it for me. This stuff works it is just hard to get a rabbit to eat it! Echinacea products often include other herbs, most notably goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis). 10 - 100 mg/kg Hi My bunny is producing a lot of saliva…after consulting from veteran I got to know that he is having infection. I will be keeping this site in my favourite box. Great as a safe introduction of young kits to greens, works great for diarrhea. Thanks so much for this article. What herbs and greens should be given less often? Learn more about Echinacea uses, effectiveness, possible side effects, interactions, dosage, user ratings and products that contain Echinacea My female bunny had cloudy urine. Good for digestive problems, diarrhea, kidney and bladder problems. Thank you. Anyway, I have the greatest majority of these ‘weeds’ growing in my garden, of which I have REFUSED to pull (until I knew what they were). Thanks so much! PURSLANE- Purslane contains more Omega-3 fatty acids than any other leafy vegetable plant know of. It will reduce intestinal fluid secretion and is suggested that bromelain has mucolytic and digestive properties. in extreme cases only. Anti-inflammatory with anti-viral properties. Home Remedies: For conjunctivitis and other eye issues, rabbit owners often use echinacea (dietary or as an eye drop) or chamomile drops to soothe and restore eye health. Echinacea is a great preventive herb to use for your rabbits. I was wondering about Mullein. Externally used for inflamed areas, rashes and sore eyes. Echinacea. Useful in the diet of weanling’s and can be harvested and dried for year round use. Providing rabbits with a range of herbs and greens that they can choose to eat, or refuse, gives them the opportunity to balance their own diet according to their natural instincts. he’s only 3 1/2 months old, should i take his pellet treats out? The plant has a calming effect on rabbits Comfrey is a good source of vitamin A and good for pregnant and nursing does. Appetite stimulant: 1 mg/rabbit once daily to q12h; PO (Blackwells, 2011) Dexamethasone: Anti-inflammatory 1-2 mg/kg IM, IV (Varga, 2013) 0.5-2.0 mg/kg q12h; PO, SC, IM. Great for stressed out rabbits. Just keep varying the diet so they can get the different nutrients from different the foods sources, but always use new feeds slowly to see how each rabbit reacts to it. It is a digestive aid, helps with wool block and is used for many other things. PLANTAIN – antimicrobial, antispasmodic, healing of cuts, respiratory expectorant, fevers. why would bob barker say have your pets "spayed or neutered"? JOIN THE RABBIT REVOLUTION by subscribing to our blog feed to get the new posts as they are added! and if you can, what are they good for? check it out. Glad you like it! Is this normal or dangerous and what should I do about it. Originally 6 of the rabbits had it and fingers crossed the one who doesn't have it is more or less 'cured'. Thank you very much. Every other day or so, sprinkle a little bit of Echinacea on top of your rabbit’s hay or pellets to … Love your blog Thanks for these great information!! I have a few questions. Ellen, I only would do this for one week once a year as a treatment and 1/2 clove would be fine. Most herbs are a preventive, Echinacea added to their daily greens a few times a week should be beneficial. Do not give while pregnant, wait until doe is due. The rest however are ok after baytril treatment for a few … This is really great information. wow! I am treating some sores, and vent scabbing from urine burns during the worst of the illness. 2 capsules to 1/2 gallon boiling water 3min. It is hard for me to say “how” much to feed your rabbit, every rabbit in my rabbitry has different amounts and varing food sources of feed to keep them in good body and breeding conditions. Plantain does not cause digestive problems. No other website gave me this much good information. Do Rabbits Eat Coneflowers or Echinacea. She is traumatized & we are doing everything we can to help her recover. Do you have any suggestions? ACV treatment is a good idea. Then put the plastic tip of the syringe into the side of the rabbits mouth and very slowly squeeze some out a little at a time give about 2 teaspoons for each dose wait about 3 hours and do it again you can give it 4 to 6 times a day every day until they start eating and pooping. Echinacea, also known as the purple coneflower, is a dietary supplement made from the Echinacea plant, and is primarily used for immune system support, as an anti-inflammatory, or to shorten the duration of upper respiratory conditions. Is there any negative affects from basil? Thank you! I could only find a strawberry and mint plant near me at this time of year. Can you recommend any herbs or natural remedies to help ? You should have pics of the herbs so we can see what they look like in case we don’t know. truly enjoyed browsing your blog posts. I have always liked fresh or dried herbs. The flowers are actually a mild tranquilizer, acting upon the heart in easing blood pressure rather than acting upon the brain as an anti-stimulant. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Again many thanks. Change ). Meloxicam: this is near universally used due to there being both an injectable, and an oral formulation, especially as the oral form is a liquid, with good palatability and 2 concentrations, allowing titration of doses to effect for the patient. Thanks, glad you enjoyed my posts. Posted on June 9, 2012, in Uncategorized and tagged animals, ear mites, flowers, food, fruit, GI disorders, healing rabbits naturally, health, herbs, leaves, medicine, moderation, natural immune system, nature, nutrition, plants, rabbit ears, restaurants, safe, tree, twigs, vinegar treatment. Echinacea does such a good job at rebalancing a rabbit’s immune system that many veterinarians will actually recommend adding it to our rabbit’s regular diet. As I am a meat breeder I would cull rabbits that show signs of snuffles. 2 tabs (6.78 mg) orally three times daily ; Echinacea pallida root tincture. If a rabbit is not eating there is a problem! P.S. Use of echinacea for the treatment of anxiety and cancer has been investigated. When we keep rabbits in captivity we remove them from both their natural diet and the herbs they would naturally eat if they were feeling sick and need to self medicate. Directions : Degu – 1 teaspoon; chinchilla, guinea pig, small and medium rabbits – 1/2-1 tablespoon; larger rabbits – 1-2 tablespoons 3-5 times a week. The number one to keep you rabbits healthy is observation. Also wonderful cure for digestive ailments including diarrhea, infertility in bucks, fevers. I found this post while searching for natural remedies for worms in rabbits. Shepherd’s purse is an excellent medicinal plant, but it is very strong and you don’t want to feed too much. Also it will help in healing once kits are born. He means the world to me and I don’t know what to do. Thanks so much! Let the rabbit eat some before you treat for eye problems because of its pain relief and calming effects will make the rabbit easier to handle, CHICKWEED – Anti-inflammatory, healing of cuts, molt. The ACV in water, chamomile tea with honey and Tea Tree oil has been helpful to my bunny. Dosages of Echinacea: Herb juice. I feed a few leaves every now a then to my rabbits daily greens mix to boost the immune system and fight infection. They make lovely garden ornamental plants, while some like E. purpurea, E. pallida, and E. angustifolia have medicinal properties. She is also getting a film on her eyes that, when I clean it out looks almost stiff and grey. This will also save you lots of time treating when prevention or cure is simple. You do not want your rabbits to go from one extreme to the other. Would it be alright to put a crushed garlic clove in each of my rabbits’ water bottles (as I do for chickens)? ... Echinacea: Immune booster, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-septic, antimicrobial. Stand quietly or listen carefully while you do your chores. Not even the human doses are standard. I get it from the local health food store (If they do not stock it, most will order it for you). I have never have had any trouble with my crossbred meat rabbits. And how frequently would you give it to them? He is producing stool and it looks normal. This is great information, thsnk you! Wean off dosage at end of treatment. Try giving your rabbit about 1 teaspoon of herbs on top of its food daily, or as needed. There’s birch too but would be used for an injured spine? 123 Comments. A small handful of leaves and stems twice a day for three or four days should fix things. It only takes a few minutes longer doing your chores to check your rabbits daily for illness. These are listed in order by herb name. Therefore, the best available evidence is through behavioural pain studies. appreciate the time you’ve taken to make this site up and thank you for making it available. This is fab information, thank you so much! I remember it being such an annoying weed when I was a kid and had to help with the weeding, although, it was definitely one of the easier ones to pull! These herbs help ease kindling, offer nutrition and support lactation. Thx for the info was just concerned about my angora rabbits ears, otherwise bubbles is very healthy appetite excellent. Fresh pineapple are best as the enzyme will be removed once frozen or processed. Apple Cider Vinegar- Use as an additive to their daily water giving it continuously or in 3 month cycles (3on, 3off, 3on,etc.). What about a tincture (like echinacea)? Hi there – great information. meat tenderizer (unspiced) in apple sauce daily for 3 days then give a dose of cat hairball jelly. Thank you so much for this information! I am new here and found this forum by frantically searching about snuffles as i have 7 rabbits, 5 of whom all have this condition and i just can't get rid of it, it is costing loads in vets bills. He weighs about 4.2 lbs. Sorry for all the questions but I don’t want to end up doing it wrong and hurting her more than she already is. Can Rabbits Eat Lemon Balm. So it’ll dilate the mucus coating of the GI tract as well as helping to breakdown proteins good for gut mobility and helping with hairballs good to give to rabbits during a molt. If I use the wrong one, I fear I will end up either doubling or halving the correct dosage! Echinacea dosage As a general immune stimulant, Echinacea should be taken three times daily for a total daily dose of 900 mg.9 10 11 It is recommended that continuous use of Echinacea should not exceed 8 weeks.12 Goldenseal Goldenseal is a potent botanical with a rich You can also get the capsules at heath food stores add 4 capsules of the echinacea to one gallon of water and boil and cool store in fridge and add 1/4 herb water to 3/4 water and fill water bottles, crocks, ect, ELDER FLOWER – Respiratory expectorant, fevers, EUCALYPTUS – Dried and powdered, and sprinkled repel fleas, FENNEL – Bloating, gas, milk flow of nursing does. I have only used what I have growing on the homestead either fresh or dried. Dosage: Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of ACV to a gallon of water. Sometimes she has a thick white discharge come out after a sneezing bout and sometimes she gets a nose bleed. He got sick when he was 2 months old and I took him to a special vet he had a respiratory infection after treatment he was fine but now the vet says he has a double ear infection and he will need antibiotics for the rest of his life. Feed: 1 Tbs. My young bunny has a spine injury and had a small case of fly strike after being confined in his box. He drags them, more than moves them. I gave her half an apple and she did munch some of that but she hasn’t touched her pellets in about 24hrs. I’m not sure because the treats are for young rabbits. His rear legs are very slowly recovering from paralysis. A natural Immuno Stimulater used to help prevent or fight infection as well as being beneficial for the digestive system. Hi there seems to be different types of dandelions, there are ones that have a milky stem, are these ok for a rabbit? Echinacea is a great preventive herb to use for your rabbits. Thank you. I’m going to research it for ME to use! ECHINACEA Echinacea is a natural antibiotic, anti-viral, and anti-inflamatory agent. It will dilate the birth canal. Any recommendations? So glad I found out about it. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! It is very simple to treat but only if you know notice it. Check us out on Facebook for daily rabbit information! All my rabbit books didn’t offer any advice. Should they be administered by sprinkling a bit on food or mixing with apple sauce to feed by mouth for those appropriate herbs? There are different types of echinacea, and therefore some formulations are blends of the different forms. With this list alone, you have absolutely MADE MY DAY!! This also helps to worm them and along with raw pumpkin seeds this mix should clean out your rabbits. Use fresh leaves, flowers and dig up root, the root can be dried to make a weak tea to add to the rabbits water. My bunny weigs 4.4lb. That’s okay I’ll have to look around. Dose: 2-4 capsules emptied into gallon of water, boil, and store for use – OR add 3-6 leafs as treats I would use some apple cider vinegar in the water,that will increase the appitite, you have offered fresh grass that is also a good idea, If you can get some comfrey leaves or dandylion leaves that will hel also. I know these rabbits were healthy when they left their original home as they came from a reputable breeder, most likely caused due to stress from being transported for 2 days and the feed change. with natural means work. High fiber food keeps the digestive tract in shape to pass hair also. Lemon Balm is a useful herb that can be added to your rabbits’ diet every few days. I’ll be referencing this a lot. Use sparingly. “EUCALYPTUS – Dried and powdered, and sprinkled repel fleas” is that sprinkled in his food or around in his area? Working on a few post at this time stayed tuned! SAGE – dried and powdered, and sprinkled repel fleas, dry up does who’s kits have been weaned. I think it would be really nice if you could include an image by each of the herbs. Or where to purchase the echanacea root? My bubblooo boy just love him to bits. Glad you like it! Digestive problems, uterine discomfort, calm nerves, MILK THISLTE – Helps take ammonia from the blood and protects both the liver and the kidneys, increases milk flow in nursing does. I have two bottle of GSE, one labeled “citricidal” that’s 60% GSE, and one that is just plain liquid concentrate, 33% GSE. ( Log Out /  I adopted a rabbit 3 weeks ago and I have been treating her for ringworm since the first day. over their food, once a day.
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