THE CEILING FAN, REINVENTED • Airfoils — Hybrid resin construction; 52 in. Muchos autores occidentales se han fascinado por este tipo de poesía y lo han cultivado en sus respectivos idiomas. Haiku 60 SPECIFICATIONS Without LED Module With LED Module Technical Specifications Model Haiku Bamboo Standard Mount Model number S3150-A2-XX-XX-03-C1 Fan diameter 60 in. 0000010679 00000 n Haiku L delivers powerful airflow without the noise and features a minimalist modern design for luxury that looks great and feels even better Haiku L’s whisper-quiet EC motor and three-bladed design are incredibly efficient, providing cooling comfort at a fraction of the cost of A/C. �2�Ei} ��&� �$�P���@6���1�a�8�5�$���b��Q.;S���80�Pa? 0000007342 00000 n 0000040338 00000 n 0000019352 00000 n 0000034092 00000 n 455 51 The Haiku L features an optional LED designed seamlessly into the body of the fan. Haiku poems consist of 3 lines. 0000010531 00000 n 0000011150 00000 n 0000013233 00000 n The first ceiling fan on the list is the excellent L Series from Haiku Home. per page. 0000007329 00000 n 0000016491 00000 n This product is for indoor use only. Was sind Haiku? 0000019464 00000 n 0000022105 00000 n Airflow = 5604 CFM (average is about 5,000) 5604 CFM is pretty much average, so don't expect a super strong breeze from this fan. Say goodbye to changing bulbs, too; our lights are rated for 50,000 hours of use, three times longer than compact fluorescent bulbs. <<011B6151C3471046AB576FBDD23D5D9A>]/Prev 1255999/XRefStm 1915>> Buy Now . Please Note: Haiku L ceiling fans require an active grounding wire which may not be present in homes built prior to 1950. �C�.wc�0 ; �CP�`Kt*���9���� P2�&��qDn�پl������ū;c?���}�;ķa,���Cw���ow�OE��w��5����\,����/�����|��E�}����Ɵ��ݟ�\,�E��4VI�IW�jz7����Bo0���/y^[A�����_?�C��r�����zA��l������I��&i���b鹦ǚ������S{h��@�={���Q49=8=9=8==JM�d�`�����x�!��G�#��x�!��G�#��x�YS���&`�)�S�)��~ Over-tightening the screws may cause the airfoils to warp and void your warranty. 0000014184 00000 n 0000025815 00000 n Haiku L Smart Ceiling Fan, 52″ Although this fan is slightly pricier than the rest, it doesn’t mean that it’s not worth the money. 0000033793 00000 n 0000017514 00000 n lb). h�b``�a``������:�A�X�X800�����{�'��y���KZ� AA� h � 0000002060 00000 n 0000015951 00000 n Haiku. 0000031615 00000 n h�b``Pd``�����t��03�1�3�0p���Z` r�q`@+*�X�D~D���]�Fb�c����o�.2�my�2X�� -z�hv�ҸV�ɷ/�29r�(/�׻���9|S�_ѹ�ü3���vL]si��ZϷ7}A,p�h@ئ�R^ށ`����� 0A����6�8��4�0���+���XD��v0�2�;p90�6�.`�b�o���j�������l��FQ�̋��l�0,i`��P������P4�Ły]�� s �@���$�lsjN�c`f`��]2=́e�K��9� N6mV�5Q@�+�X0�1$0�0,d`L8�� 0000001385 00000 n 0000001915 00000 n The lines rarely rhyme. 505 0 obj <>stream 0000006814 00000 n 0000008972 00000 n 0000028733 00000 n Haiku L Series: A Big Ass Fan for small-ass money. %%EOF The Haiku L Series’ integrated LED light fixture only uses around half the power a 40-watt incandescent bulb produces but with twice the brightness output. 0000096765 00000 n 0000017084 00000 n 0000088311 00000 n 0000020539 00000 n PRODUCT DESCRIPTION . Ejemplos . Tùy chọn có đèn LED hoặc không đèn Haiku quạt trần công nghệ thông minh nhất thế giới hiện nay. However, most people are used to average ceiling fans, so if you have never experienced a fan more powerful than this, you may be satisfied with the 52" Haiku L with White. 0000036004 00000 n 0000009848 00000 n 0000105547 00000 n Haiku L Ceiling Fan: White, Universal Mount . 0000006844 00000 n H�\�͎�0��y endstream endobj 886 0 obj <>/Metadata 152 0 R/Pages 151 0 R/StructTreeRoot 154 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 887 0 obj >/PageTransformationMatrixList<0[1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 -306.0 -396.0]>>/PageUIDList<0 32888>>/PageWidthList<0 612.0>>>>>>/Resources<>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 888 0 obj <> endobj 889 0 obj <> endobj 890 0 obj <> endobj 891 0 obj <> endobj 892 0 obj [/ICCBased 913 0 R] endobj 893 0 obj <> endobj 894 0 obj <> endobj 895 0 obj <> endobj 896 0 obj <>stream 0000036928 00000 n Haiku, Wandern, Sake. 455 0 obj <> endobj Haiku Mobile App. Die Regel für diese Gedichtform orientiert sich an der Zahl der Silben, die über eine bestimmte Anzahl von Zeilen verteilt werden. Every Haiku L features precision-balanced airfoils and is sound tested to make sure your fan will never wobble, rattle or click. Haiku L by Big Ass Fans SPECIFICATIONS Haiku’s signature design elements, energy efficiency, and effectiveness at a more accessible price point. Haiku L starting at $749 . 885 0 obj <> endobj 0000004291 00000 n 0000001342 00000 n Wie sind sie aufgebaut und was wir mit ihnen beschrieben? 0000028706 00000 n Diese Regel kann, muss jedoch nicht immer eingehalten werden. 0000001715 00000 n 0000041363 00000 n Seamlessly integrated into the fan, Haiku’s UV-C fixture directs invisible light upward, killing viruses, bacteria, mold, and other harmful airborne agents that pass through the disinfection zone at … 0000011734 00000 n 0000088585 00000 n 0000002114 00000 n If you are a technology-oriented person, then you will find it a worthy product for your home. 0000029032 00000 n 0000013167 00000 n 0000030791 00000 n 0000028290 00000 n trailer 0000025732 00000 n Haiku H Series Fans: What’s In the Box Individually packaged (and color coded) fan blades and all of the hardware you need come inside the Haiku fan box. 0 0000021496 00000 n Starting at $729.00. It has LED integration with a fabulous unique brightness setting for you. 0000031525 00000 n 0000018167 00000 n Show. - Autoren- und Leserforum für Haiku, Japanische Kurzgedichte, Haikus, Tanka, Renga, Senryû, Kurzgedicht, Haibun. Haiku L delivers powerful airflow without the noise and features a minimalist modern design for luxury that looks great and feels even better Haiku L’s whisper-quiet EC motor and three-bladed design are incredibly efficient, providing cooling comfort at a fraction of the cost of A/C.
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