Below is a list of original owner's manuals for Hitachi remote codes. If you are still having problems, try the Auto Search function with your TV on and then again with your TV off. These codes can be used with various computer programmable remote controls, including models from Philips, Marantz, Universal Remote Control Inc., Logitech, RTI, Xantech and others. Now you can find instant answers — plus troubleshooting info and more — at our Help Center, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This database features a collection of regular and discrete infrared remote control codes prepared in Pronto hex format. Hitachi Sky Remote Codes. Below is a list of manufacturer's codes to connect your PS4 Media Remote to your TV. Press the TV button on your Sky remote control. Help and support with your Xfinity Remote, select your remote control type and get the support you need to enjoy your Xfinity TV! Hi @PaddyB . Hello there, my last TV (Toshiba) has given up the ghost and I have bought a new Smart TV which is an Hitachi 32HEV200U from Argos. Check the device name in the list below and get a universal remote control code. Whatever brand you use, it comes from the Hitachi product line. Codes for Hitachi TVs. If your TV is not listed or none of the codes work for your device, try the programming process again with your TV OFF. Follow these instructions to program your Sky remote to operate your Hitachi TV. 2235; 0707; 1719; Please try these codes for the Hitachi TV using the Sky remote control programming instructions, found using the links below. Check out our list of popular GE universal remote control codes for Hitachi Tv, including DVDs, amplifiers, and receivers. Turn on your Hitachi TV. These codes can be used with all universal remotes if your remote requires a 4-digit code. Hold the Select and RED buttons for several seconds until the LED blinks twice then release. The following is a list of all Hitachi remote control codes that will be used with ALL Hitachi TVs, DVDs, amplifiers, and receivers. I also have this issue having just purchased an Hitachi Smart TV. My Sky HD+ Plus remote (version 9) worked straight away with the standard code on the Toshiba, but for the life of me I cannot find the right code for this Hitachi TV. Remote Control Codes For Hitachi TVs; Best Universal Remote Control APP For Android; Sony Equipment Remote Control Codes; "Equipment : Remote Control : Code Lookup : Help" Need more help with your remote? Choose your product from the list below to get information on programming your Hitachi remote. I have tried Hitachi 2424, 1793 and also Vestel 2811 (as I was advised that this may work).
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