Remember, SABSA is a framework and methodology for building business-driven, risk-proportional security architectures you can prove really will deliver value and protect the organization. Because while the certifications are nice, they’re not the point—or they shouldn’t be if you really believe in the value of SABSA. We’ve got SABSA, and NIST…and ISO…and ISF…and Monkeys Fly Out Of My Butt! Its registered office is at 126 Stapley Road, Hove, UK, BN3 7FG. To ensure that security meets the needs of the business… SABSA ® is the world’s leading open security architecture framework and methodology. What I mean by this, is that instead of focusing on “you should implement this technology to achieve security goal X”, I can now engage in conversation with Engineers and Development teams as “There are these 3 mechanisms we should be using to assure business attribute Y. What’s the most efficient way to deploy a component to meet that requirement?”. What is a proxy server and how does it work? Indeed, it covers a whole variety of availability, usability and agility issues, to the point where it addresses the complete set of non-functional requirements. The SABSA Foundation Modules (F1 & F2) are the SABSA Institute’s official starting point for developing Security Architecture Competencies. SABSA is a top-to-bottom framework and methodology to conceive, conceptualise, design, implement and manage security in a business-driven model. SABSA is a ‘Through-Life’ method and framework: it applies throughout the entire lifecycle from Business Requirements Engineering to management of the solutions delivered. SABSA is used all over the world and the Institute has certified SABSA Chartered Architects in nearly 70 countries. Let’s talk about applying the SABSA framework to design an architecture that would solve a specific business problem. ", — Doug Reynolds, Product Manager, MobileAware, "Andrew is a fabulous consultant and presenter that you simply You get a problem of “how will I approach this risk assessment?”. arguments for any doubts in the subjects he covers. The concept of architecture as the means by which we integrate different solutions and approaches to differing and complex needs, and provides a mechanism to manage such complexity. communication style were of great benefit in moving the process It’s a test they’ve passed, and if they somehow ever find an environment where it can be used, then they’ve already passed that test. 10. This section describes the use of Business Attribute Profiling with respect to security requirements management, along with the added value this technique offers for requirements management in general. If you actually “get” SABSA, it’s a state of being. Those who work and have conversations with me, eventually hear me mutter the words “SABSA” at some point in time. SABSA is an Enterprise Security Architecture Framework. Adapting to New Normals – Architecting for Ever-moving Goalposts. Through a series of innovative presentations, case studies and workshops, you will develop the skills to use the most proven security architecture design and management processes and find out how to develop a comprehensive strategy for the creation of a security architecture that genuinely meets the need… And in fairness, it’s a perception problem I’ve been fighting for a number of years now, actually. What I told nuclear regulators about quantum computers, 2019 Predictions and Investment Picks for Cyber Security, Crypto Bake-Off — The FINAL! What is SABSA®? It was originally published in 1976, and I think worth a read for anyone who enjoys thinking more deeply about themselves and the world we live in. It is purely a methodology to assure business alignment. table. Covering the good practice lifecycle, participants will find out how to design, deliver and support a comprehen… The other biggest pitfall in our experience is fixating on the SABSA Architecture Matrix itself as the fundamental expression of what SABSA really is. forward towards a successful conclusion. surprising and his thoughts leave you without considerable As I’m sure it was noted, I’m a big fan of SABSA as a framework due to everything it enables an organisation to map and provide a solution for. His breadth of thinking and understanding of the business That book was, To Have, Or To Be? Man vs. machine: where are you going to put your faith. Everyone’s gotta make their own choice. I know I did this in 2017-2018, but these are new conversations, so some new insights are emerging. SABSA is a business-driven security framework for enterprises that is based on risk and opportunities associated with it. subjects in very understandable way. However, it was the first thing that came to mind after a couple of the conversations I had yesterday about SABSA. Security and risk management technical professionals tasked with securing cloud deployments need a coherent approach to develop consistent and effective security. Want to get DAILY email tips on how to build a more effective security program so you can prove your security investments deliver value to the business?, Stuxnet, and the Case for Cybersecurity in Critical Infrastructure. innovative in his thinking and merits the title of 'thought Not surprisingly, these aren’t the people who are on the list getting these emails with you. Andrew is a highly skilled and experienced information systems 1.2 ‘Website’ refers to the sites published under the following domains:, and sabsa … But there’s a not-so-subtle shift you have to make in your little brain if you want to be successful with SABSA, and, to bastardize an iconic line from the Matrix: The 2 SABSA matrices are interesting  and useful frameworks for thinking and  problem solving, but those two grids of 66 cells aren’t a list of something you create…. SABSA body of knowledge. It’s not some framework to map side-by-side with your-favorite-framework-du-jour to show how it all relates, and draw some nice mapping views, boxes and lines to show how amazing you are because you’ve “mapped” or “aligned” Framework X and SABSA. I’m good either way. enjoy listening to, as he manages to develop highly sophisticated SABSA have produced a standard taxonomy of attributes which can be used “out the bag” with engagements as a … The SABSA Model is the key to this and covers the whole lifecycle of operational capabilities. The crowd lapses into hushed silence when you start…. In contrast, SABSA presents its unique Business Attribute Profiling technique as a means to effectively describe requirements. And it’s a shame, because it’s a brilliant framework which ensures 2 main things: This blog post isn’t meant to be a thorough description of SABSA, but more an introductory view to what it is, what it includes and what it can do for you. This page was last edited on 30 December 2019, at 00:16 (UTC). Completeness and justification for all components of your Enterprise Security architecture, No hand-waving nor personal/professional bias towards what your security should look like. It is described as a security architecture method, but it takes a very wide view of security architecture. ast Or, if you want to know more about what you’re going to get if you do and how it works, then just go knock on the front door: and you’ll get the whole deal. Go to right now…no, seriously. It’s not entirely a rhetorical question. SABSA does not offer any specific control and relies on others, such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) or COBIT processes. I'm interested pursuing Sabsa cert but i'm struggling to see how it is used on a practical level. SABSA is a Zachman-like architecture method. SABSA is the leading open-use method for delivering cohesive information security solutions to enterprises. If I’m talking to an exec or senior leader, I can focus on understanding the business attributes which are important to them (sample list below) and focus the conversation of any gaps to the business attributes they relate to. P.S. This module provides participants with a comprehensive understanding of how the SABSA framework delivers successful security strategy and architecture. It provides a framework for developing risk driven enterprise information security and information assurance architectures. (TSI) TSI is registered as a Community Interest Company in England & Wales, Company Number 08439587, regulated by Companies House & the UK Office of the Regulator of Community Interest Companies. I agree that there's a lot of value in applying those core concepts of tying security to the business, and that's going to be relevant whoever you work for and whatever frameworks they use.
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