Tasha shares, “In order to keep my family on board I took our favorite recipes and just made them THM friendly.”, Kari shares, “In my experience of being the only one in my family doing THM, most of the time it’s easy. Is Trim Healthy Mama gluten-free friendly? Get ready to embrace Food Freedom! Can I still do the Trim Healthy Mama plan even if I don’t like spending lots of time in the kitchen? pinning it to your favorite THM Pinterest board! You are not instructed what to eat at every meal with portion sizes dictated to you. It is the easiest program I’ve ever attempted. More Easy THM Resources. I am eating whenever I’m hungry, just following the plan for switching food fuels. The concepts are more based on how you formulate your meals than having special ingredients.”. The authors designed this plan to be infused into the chaos and craziness we all call life. In the fall, my kids are each in multiple activities and life will become crazy. I find it a bit harder to eat out E style so I opt for S meals when I'm out for dinner. Artificial sweeteners are not encouraged on plan but there are some fabulous natural sweetening options so you can make lots of on plan sweet treats. There is a no judgment policy toward others in the Trim Healthy Mama community. I see some of the recipes pictures have cheese or dairy in them, my body won’t tolerate those foods. I’m carrying a lot of pounds of breast milk! And while I fully embrace the empowering culture of self esteem and well being at whatever size you find yourself, I also must tell my story and not negate my truth. I think it just depends on what you like and how your body responds. This Low Carb Oven Fried Fish is a great way to enjoy a healthy meal (an S-meal if you’re a Trim Healthy Mama) while feeling like you’re eating total comfort food. We have many Mamas who do the plan on very strict budgets, and the plan was written when the authors themselves were pinching pennies. She got a lot of response from our lovely helpful mama’s. Answer: Trim Healthy Mama can meet the nutritional needs of both pregnant and nursing women and their babies. I fully believe you can be happy at whatever weight is right for your particular body, but I can also attest that my body was never intended to carry around those 100 extra pounds. !” Kelly D. shares: “THM is low glycemic, so a majority of the recipes are GF, but you won’t be using some of the starchier grains. Simply throw all the ingredients – minus the shrimp – in a slow cooker, then add the shrimp and cauliflower rice 20 minutes before serving. Start trimming even faster with the most helpful starter ingredients. The Big Game and snacks go hand in hand. Jessica was a guest on Wardee's Know Your Food Podcast, and you can tune in here! There are also many family-friendly recipes in the book.”, Question: I am interested in buying the book but am worried that there might be too many specialty ingredients. And it’s easy to apply the weight loss principles for some and the gain or maintenance principles for others, all in one meal. It’s so worth it. Amazon gift cards earned free from Swagbucks, THM Fuel Cycle (for stubborn weight loss), Apple Pie Muffins with Crave-Worthy Crumble, The Easiest E Meals Ever for Busy THM’ers, 30+ of the Most Popular THM E Recipes from other THM Bloggers. But it did remind me that 5 years ago it was my favorite mind numbing drug of choice along with any other processed carb in my fridge or pantry. I decided I couldn’t afford not to!”. They match all the recipes in your starter book so you can start eating healthy cake and other goodies as soon as you like! This is a misconception… the authors actually use honey and milk for their children and occasionally raw honey for themselves since they are both at goal weight, but milk and honey are not weight loss friendly foods on the plan. Mary S. shares: “You can eat out while doing this plan. Your email address will not be published. Busy…three kids in football, volleyball, and drama. Answer: Most of the recipes in the book do not use ingredients with gluten. Get in on one of the fastest growing podcasts out there. Bring On Da Buttah Pancakes – Family & Single Serve (S). THM changes the way you think about food…I needed it and was ready. Trim Healthy Mama is for all types, both people who love to cook from scratch and those who feel inept in the kitchen. Chili, Meatloaf and Pizza recipes are easily made on plan. I didn’t enjoy eating. Question: Is this really something that I could transition our family to, including a reluctant husband? It feels INCREDIBLE.”, Kiva L. shares, “I work outside the home as a college instructor. I'm just so impressed with my own self and the suggestions of you all. Workins Online Streaming (additional fee applies), As Seen On Your TV: The Trim Healthy Lifestyle, GET STARTED ON THE TRIM HEALTHY LIFESTYLE. So cheap, so accessible, even socially acceptable. Question: I don’t really love to cook. There is a learning curve to Trim Healthy Mama. Your body needs both carbs and fats. This is NOT a crash diet, but a way to make sustainable, life-long changes in the way you eat and think about food.”. I don’t eat it. I would imagine if you wanted to make it fadish, you could. In the last few years he put about 5 pounds on, but has longed to be able to gain weight. You’ll just have to rework some of your favorite recipes.”, Diana M shares: “I didn’t buy this book to lose weight. My life is hectic and full. There are others that do. But any woman of any belief system or background is welcome to do the plan and to join the group. My youngest son and I eat almost 100% gluten free and I have been beyond grateful to THM for giving me easy, whole food recipes that are gf and sooooo delicious! . I have a very very busy house, we have 11 children, 10 of which I’m still feeding, seven of them are ages 10 yr down to 8 months, I live 40 minutes from our nearest health food store. Many of these Trim Healthy Mama tweaked recipes are hits with every member of the family. . My husband weighed the exact same for about 20 years. Trim Healthy Table Cookbook – This is a second THM cookbook, and there’s a very simple, clear explanation of the plan in the first 3 chapters. Mary S. shares, “I really don’t like to cook yet since finding THM cooking is no longer stressful for me. Welcome to The Poddy: The Trim Healthy Podcast. Stephanie S. shares: “Yes, this is definitely doable for those who are gluten-free. It is not designed like most conventional diets as a 30 or 90 day plan. . . If God could change my mess, I wanted to document it. The nutritional advice is wonderful and worth it.”. Can you say grading papers??? Lydia F. shares, “I have four growing boys, and making sure they got enough to eat while I “dieted” worried me too. When you are short on time, these easy low carb one pot meals are what you need. FP (Fuel Pull) While S meals are low in carbs and E meals … Below is just a small sampling of Trim Healthy Mama video content. My youngest son and I eat almost 100% gluten free and I have been beyond grateful to THM for giving me easy, whole food recipes that are gf and sooooo delicious! Since Trim Healthy Mama is geared as a lifelong plan, you learn as you go, but after a while it becomes second nature for most people. My low carb and keto blueberry pancakes look like pillows that will melt in your mouth. The concepts are more based on how you formulate your meals than having special ingredients.”, Elizabeth shares: “You can do it on plain cheap food but you can buy some special ingredients like glucomannan (which lasts so long) and a good Stevia extract and get so much more variety and powerful slimming snacks and meals. HIGHLIGHT: For E meals, you want less than 5 g fats in the meal to avoid moving into crossover territory. Trim Healthy Mama desserts do call for stevia extract or a stevia blend so that will be your first, most important purchase. Sprouted or sour dough breads are on plan options for people who tolerate them well but Trim Healthy Mama is easily implemented completely gluten free. It’s short, but clearly explains how to make on plan choices at restaurants.”, Donna M. shares: “I totally failed Friday dinner, but just chalked it up to a cheat meal, and got back on plan the next day. But the Spirit of God set me free. My husband suggested that I post the following before and after pictures. With new episodes every Wednesday. All of you ladies have been super encouraging, and I hope to be an encouragement to others on their journey. I am a firm believer that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. ”. It even began to threaten my life. And there’s EVEN MORE available inside our private membership website community. LOL.”, Brittany E shares: “We have a pregnant and nursing THM group that has a lot of these types of topics often. Are you done? An easy Keto Chicken Broccoli Casserole that comes together quickly and tastes just like the chicken and broccoli casserole you remember from your childhood!. Get started with these useful articles covering frequent topics and questions. From a processing standpoint, honey is a vastly superior form of sugar, that’s brimming with nutrients (unlike processed sugars). With four little ones ages 4 and under I can’t spend a lot of time doing complicated meals.”, Lindsay shares, “The book gives lots of options for ‘Drive Thru Sue’ who is on the run and doesn’t have a lot of kitchen time. No Gluten or grains, no dairy, soy or tapioca. Subscribe and listen today. Trim Healthy Mama addresses how to maintain or even gain weight in a healthy, nourishing way that’s totally appropriate for kids, husbands, or mamas. Keto Gumbo (Slow Cooker, THM:S, Low Carb, Paleo, Keto, Whole30) This Slow Cooker Keto Gumbo is not only fast and easy to make, it's delicious! My daughter jokingly told me not to eat her candy on her way out to school this morning. into an E. Chart courtesy of RaisingArrows.net S & FP Vegetables E Vegetables artichoke beans (navy, kidney, pinto, black, garbanzo, chana dahl, lentils, etc) 1.5 cups cooked asparagus carrots baby corn onion beans (green & sprouts) pumpkin** beets sweet potato, 1 medium broccoli brussel sprouts All S & FP veggies are acceptable here as well! I'm just so impressed with my own self and the suggestions of you all. Dana shares, “There are so many ways to make this work for your family. Question: Inot only homeschool my kids but also work a job outside of the home. Smoothies – here’s a list of 20 of my favorite THM approved shakes and smoothies (varying fuel types) 1 % cottage cheese with assorted berries on the side (FP) air popped popcorn seasoned with cayenne or cinnamon (E) Greek yogurt parfait with assorted berries and apples (E… I can already tell a huge difference! It took 14 months to lose the weight healthfully, It took 3 years to find my fitness mojo. The powers of darkness used my compulsive eating to imprison me. Hi Michele, I'll try to answer your questions :)! But I had lots of restrictions. If I can you can I promise. The listening audience is literally growing by thousands each week! We were the same size when we started the plan in January. Question: I’ve heard that milk and honey are out on this diet plan… how can you call it “Healthy” when you’re cutting out natural and healthy foods? You have to be determined, but you CAN do this. Connect with us on our social channels to get even more THM content. You’ll want to use gluten free oats. Get answers from our team and fellow mamas here. Can I eat out if I’m on Trim Healthy Mama? And there are many, many more recipes that can be found in our RECIPE DATABASE inside our private membership website. Answer: Many of the Mamas in our community are successfully on plan with a variety of allergens in the mix. I am thankful for this journey and, trust me, sweet daughter, no candy bowl is turning me back! THM focuses on ingredients rather than numbers (although Serene and Pearl do offer a few numbers here and there for those of you who like hard-and-fast guidelines), and you can find lists of S, E, and FP ingredients in the THM plan book. We had a mama post about 2 weeks ago about needing her milk to be richer for baby to gain weight. Is Trim Healthy Mama healthy for pregnancy/nursing? I don’t get tempted on this diet, EVER. Forget the fads! . ”. I know that sounds crazy, but in the past I have almost felt addicted to fast food. Wondering how or why to meal plan while eating the … What if I or my family don't need to lose weight? Pregnant and nursing Mamas get more leniency with crossovers and S helpers to keep milk supply up. I’d love to hear what you think of this Trim Healthy Mama meal plan in the comments! You can find food joy & freedom without having to ditch carbs, shun fats or obsessively count calories. I was happy where I was at. You have to commit, yes, but it’s so worth it. You will be able to use your skills as a teacher, a coach, and an encourager to help others learn the THM principles that have helped so many heal, lose weight, get healthy, and find food-freedom. THM Plan Book– The plan is laid out in a very clear way, with lots of details and a bunch of THM example meal plans based on the first THM cookbook. If they want a traditional pizza crust or whatever, then I make it for them. If I make a THM desert, they all love it. The key to Trim Healthy Mama is that S Meals (fats) and E Meals (carbs) should never mix. . I also like that you do not have to count calories or grams or weigh your food or go crazy with that. It’s VERY flexible on whatever end of the spectrum you’re on.”, Gwen shares, “From a glycemic standpoint, honey is sugar…so those who want to lose weight will want to avoid it. Question: Can you cheat every once in a while? 1 – Prep: To prep, chop a small onion (do really use a small one to keep this low carb, or use half of a medium one) and mince some garlic. This is the first time I’ve gone on an eating plan and not felt horribly guilty for making a mistake.”, Brenda B. shares: “Has anyone noticed that they have more will power? You may want to ease into the plan and do more crossovers and S-helpers so you don’t lose too quickly. The recipes are very simple. Kaiya shares: “There are plenty of us nursing and doing THM. Once you learn to eat them in the wise trim healthy way, all these wonderful, God given foods can be part of your slimming, family friendly lifestyle. Can I do Trim Healthy Mama if I’m dairy or allergen-free? Will this be too complicated to learn with my limited time? You never have to say goodbye to bread, a steak or a juicy apple again! If you’re not into the “bible side” of the book, it is very easy to skim through it. There are many delicious options to choose from at every restaurant that will allow you to stay on plan. Andrea S shares, “I am the only one in our home using the principles to lose. Even on a very small budget it can be done. Trim Healthy Mama is applying nutritional common sense in a doable manner. It can be as simple and basic or as decadent as you desire. Stay encouraged!
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