But I find mention of Moudgalya Gotra. So am not sure about Kashyapa gotra.Traditionally, Bengali Bhargava brahmins adhere to Rig Vedic school - till 50 years back there was only 1 shakha - the ashvalayana shakha (although South Indians claim that they follow a different shakha). Shandilya Gotra's generally correspond to Sama Veda - but there are exceptions. I don't think it's correct to draw conclusions about the Gotra of Bhattacharyas, since it's a titular grant. So far I know, Talapatra is our title, like Roy not the surname. It is common practice in preparation for Hindu marriage to inquire about the kula-gotra (clan lineage) of the bride and groom before approving the marriage. If you have an ancestral kula-porhit / kula-guru, it is likely that your family adheres to his veda/ shakha.c. YOU ASSUMED THAT SANAYALS ARE SAAMVEDIKS BUT I AM A SANYAL AND I AM A RIGVEDIK BRAHMIN.SO I THINK THAT YOU SHOULD NOT COME TO THIS CONCLUTION THAT ALL SANYALS ARE SAAVEDINS.I WANT TO KNOW MY SHAKHA.PLS HELP OR SUGGEST ME SOMETHING. 2. My father was about 4-5 years old that time. Kanva Shakhi. In the mean time, could you provide the Bengali or Sanskrit spelling of your gotra? Awesome Inc. theme. If this was the case then all of the Muslims would have been suffering from Recessive diseases. As I mentioned in my previous comment: Paschatya VaidikaSunak GotraSunak PravaraSchool: Rig VedaLet us see if you can a statistically significant sample and compile the results. Best option would be to listen to the mantras during Puja functions at your place (I refer to traditional Pujas) - there are certain mantras which can immediately give you clues as to your shakha - the svasti vachana mantra - sankalpa mantra - ghatsthapana mantra - if you have a saligrama stone (shalagrama shila) Vishnu installed at your place, then the first couplet of Purusha suktam is different for different schoolsHope this helps !Thanks,Subhodeep Mukhopadhyay, I can add my data.....which is kind of an anomalyMukhopadhyay - Bharadvaja - Sama Veda, Dear Anirban,Thank you for the data point. That makes me a Gangopadhyay. Originally Answered: Can two people of the same Shandilya gotra marry each other? I am Chakraborty-Gargya gotra. I am Majumdar but my gotra is Shaborno and I belong to the clan of Gangulys...... Me too. Actually I was looking for Upanishads of My own Shakha.Our traditional family surname is Bagchi and veda is Sama ved. Among those of the Brahmin caste, gotras are reckoned patrilineally. How Many Gunas Should Match For A Successful Marriage? Sir I am Suman Chowdhury. Hi, My name is Shubhonkor Choudhury. Namaste Though I am not a bengali brahmin but I am studying brahmin culture and tradition. Thank you for the information. Gotra and Surnames. We can also see some rare examples of people changing their gotra doing some rituals. So basically if we switch the terms “Gotra” with “DNA” it means that the person is of the same clan as you. Her surname is Goswami, Gotra Bharadwaja, and Veda Rig. The ashvalayana and paippalada are gone; kauthuma is alive and jaiminiya saman will get extinct. The name of the gotra can be used as a surname, but it is different from a surname and is strictly maintained because of it… GO TO TOP. 0 0. So are exceptions quite common? All I got to know from him is that my gotra is 'Kashyap'. The Sapta-Satis in Radha had at least seven gotras (shaunaka, gautama, kaunDanya, parAshara, vashiShTa, hArita, kautsa) and the sapta-satis in Varendra had five gotras. According to the Rigveda, a Brahmin is only permitted to marry an individual outside their Gotra, with intra-gotra marriages (known as sagotri marriages) regarded as marriages between siblings, which according to Hindu scripture would lead to the birth of diseased offspring. Bhattacharya. Your email address will not be published. T The name of the gotra can be used as a surname, but it is different from a surname and is strictly maintained because of its importance in marriages among Hindus, especially among the higher castes. My Title is Roy Pratihar/Ray Pratihar Origin from Manik Bazar ( Sonamukhi ) Gotro Kashhyapa . Many family tradition belongs to Brahmin family's . The only sure way is to check in Varanasi/ Benares. Here Indra, Agni and Soma deities are mainly invoked and praised but most of the time these prayers seem to be the invocations for the Supreme Being. In India it is believed that we are the descendants of the Saptarishis – or the seven sages. Each gotra takes the name of a famous Rishi or sage who was the patrilineal forebear of that clan. The status of Mahisyas lies between Kshatriya and Vaishya Varnas of Hindu society. Recently there was a research published in the MIT on India and its genetic origins. What could be my genealogy. Before we starts talking about gotra we must know whether the kundli matching is necessary for successful marriage or not.In India two people of the same Gotra cannot marry. Whom I closely related?Thanks. This shows that there are sheer loopholes in the way Gotra system is identified. The shaunaka atharvaveda was saved at the last moment but in modern India we don't seem to care. If you are a Bengali from West Bengal/Bangladesh, then it will be Kauthama Shakaha (sub-school). As you said, one may be able to find some info from Gaya/ Benares (Varanasi) - but I have never explored that option.b. Thank you for sharing this information.If you liked this post, you may also like reading my other website on unexplored aspects of Hinduism called www.mukhopadhyay.in and particularly the below post on Vedas.7 Amazing Facts about Hindu Philosophy5 Interesting Facts about Rig Veda5 Amazing Facts about Atharva VedaRegards, A nice work. There are mainly 14 Gotras in Chitpavans with 7 Prawaras which are as follows: 1) Atri 2) Kashyap, Shandilya 3) Kapi, Gargya, Bharadwaj 4) Kaudinya, Vasishtha 5) Kaushik, Babhravya 6) Jamadagnya, Vatsa 7) Vishnuvruddha, Nityundan. When it is sishya-prasishya-rishi-parampara marriage is not acceptable if half or more than half of the rishis are same in both bride and bridegroom gotras. But marriage within the jaati is allowed and even preferred. Now Gotras are in every cast and province..so what. Okay just because someone told you that the person you want to marry is your kith and kin, you don’t have to believe it – not at this day and age where the ancient systems make no sense. A few Malviya Shandilya's also follow Yajur Veda, but mostly they are Sama Vedins.Plus more than 80% of Bengali Brahmins irrespective of where they came from, belong to Sama Veda school (Kauthuma Shakha).However these rules are not fixed - I am a Yajur Vedi, but if I receive Diksha and training from a Rig Vedi brahmin, I may change my Veda and become Rig Vedin. I am Talapatra * Parabar matro * Yajur veda. Paschatya Vaidik. 7 years ago. Yajur Veda. What should be diet of groom before marriage? Hi, my surname is Chatterjee, we are bengali brahmins, gotra: kashyap , veda: samveda, shakha: kuthumba. His son was called Aravinda. their gotra is shiv gotra. So we belong to Vatsa gotra. Now even if you have separated and you are completely strangers to one another at this point, you two are actually siblings or relatives of some sort. We use Roy as our last name, but our original surname is Sanyal. ... Vashishtha and Kaśhyapa and Shandilya were known as the seven sages (also known as saptarishi); the progeny of these seven sages are declared to be gotras. Today we find a Bharatwaja, Kaushik, shandilya, vatsa gotra person in almost all castes. So if an astrologer has told you, you cannot marry someone of the same Gotra then it is probably because of this reason. finally, I find a bengali man with spunks.. Salut. Since many gotras emerged from the original few, in the name of subsequent generation of the original rishis, as branches of the lineage, many such gotras have commonality in naming the additional two or four rishis, in the lineage. Gotra’s are … Required fields are marked *. As already mentioned before, thousands of years have passed and in this time, several clans have inter-collided. If it is putraparampara, marriage is totally unacceptable even if one rishi matches. Can you please assist me to find my root. Forbiddance of same Gotra marriage is no different. This indicates that lineage as we know it now, and lineage as it was back then (when the Gotra system was formed) are not accurate and cannot be correlated. All the families sharing a common cow-pen (where you kept cattle during the night) were generally from a same extended family and hence marriage among them was strictly forbidden. And each Gotra is addressed by the suffix 'sa' or 'asa' as relevant Atri - Krishnatriya… Generally, the gotra forms an exogamous unit, with the marriage within the same gotra being prohibited by custom, being regarded as incest. Lots of similarity's are like Brahmin fimily's . But when you split it into two, it should be "Rik Veda" (You may relate that to "Vaak Devi" and "Vaagdevi"). I am really ashamed of this. My peternal aunt got married to Goswami, 1 of Adwatiacharya family clan of Cahitanya Vaishnava school. 34 Years, 5' 6" | Hindu / Hindi-MP/CG| Brahmin Saryuparin| Shandilya(Gotra)| BL/LLB| Rs. what is the level of ghoshal , among all the bramhins...? I am baidik chakrabarty of rathitara gotra.this gotra is not included in your discussion.I am a brahmin from dhaka. Apparently, marrying into the same Gotra is forbidden because it has a close connection to DNA. Mukherjees are Samavedi and not yajurvedi Thank You!!! Can you help me , what is sutra and pravar of chatterjees? Wedding Songs For the |Bride|Groom| Couple. how many gunnas must be matched for successful marriage. Source needed, Chakraborty Parashar gotra Yajur Veda. Besides, your maternal uncle’s side may have the same DNA as you while having different surnames. Or I may adopt my mother's side custom and change my Veda. You should chant 108 times gayatri mantra as per your veda. I understand Kayasthas may be mixed caste. They are also from Barendra Brahmin Clan. Please suggest ways to find more about my lineage.
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