The show follows the exploits of Sunnyvale's most notorious residents, Ricky, Julian, and Bubbles, as they attempt to make money through various greasy (and mostly illegal) get-rich-quick schemes, hotly pursued by the park's drunken supervisor, Jim Lahey, and his shirtless sidekick, Randy. “You know, there’s certain accidents where you may be drunk and on drugs, but it’s gonna happen anyway whether you are or you’re not.” — Ricky, #17. I have a busted nose, which I now have a rag glued to. Conky: Oh, those were excellent negotiation tactics you used, Patrick Swayze. I don't know. Ricky: What do you mean? Detroit Velvet Smooth: Brother... you callin' me your brother? J-Roc: Yo, DVS, I am so down with your shit, tell me what's goin on my brother? He was trying to be this other person that wasn't Bubbles, but he was still Bubbles. Julian: Yeah, pick me up a bag of jalape?o chips. Do you understand that? I got no time for those cocksuckers. [Ricky goes over the department store's public address system]. I'm not in the mood. Bubbles: [to Sam Losco] Is it just me, or can someone here go f*** themselves? Mr. Lahey: I might shoot you, and then I might shoot myself. Mr. Lahey: [Drunk] Oooh, nice Mall-Cop uniform, Ricky! He is the secondary antagonist of the first season, a supporting antagonist in the second season, the secondary antagonist in the third and fourth … Julian: Rick, who the hell are you talking to? Bubbles: You guys wanna stay and watch? 28 Happy Journey Quotes for the Wanderers: Every Journey Begins with One Single Step, 39 Important Quotes About Focusing on Yourself:Daily Dose of Self-Knowledge, Always Move Forward, Never Look Back: 33 Best Momentum Quotes for the Uninspired, 70 Best Funny Confucius Quotes to Make You Laugh, 26 Neil Gaiman Quotes: The Master Of Storytelling, Reign in Your Inner Monster: 39 Self-Control Quotes for Those Who Struggle, 80 Dog Puns That Are Impawssible To Resist, 45 Badass Quotes That Are Pure Instagram Material, 32 Best Trailer Park Boys Quotes: You Just Can’t Unsee These. Julian: Listen, get a hold of yourself Ricky... Ricky you just pissed on me! Jim Lahey: ...Smoky outfit? Lucy: You have no idea how stupid you are, do you? He just genuinely believes he's black. J-Roc: Oh what, you a'int pregnant with a bucket of chicken? The Trailer Park Boys mockumentary films and series follow three central characters, Ricky, Julian, and Bubbles, as they live out their lives at Sunnyvale Trailer Park. Jail used to be so f*ckin’ cool, but now, it’s big-time f*cked!” — Ricky, #21. Mr. Lahey: He's takin' the shit tornado right back to Oz. See more ideas about trailer park boys, trailer park, boys. Sep 27, 2016 - Explore Karen Bushey's board "Trailer Park Boys" on Pinterest. Can you go f*ck yourself?” — Hampton and Bubbles, #13. And why do you look like Indianapolis Jones?Mr. Patrick Roach was born on March 4, 1969 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. “Do you have a search warranty?” — Ricky, #29. I mean, I don't agree with it. I'm f***ing trying here, it'll be back up in a bit! Season 8 premiered on September 5, 2014, followed by Season 9 on March 27, 2015. Bubbles: Turn that thing off, he's pullin' his goalie! Julian: Maybe you've got so much dope in your system, you're immune, Rick. #2. ", man. Ricky: I love all creatures like gophers and deerts, and those things that fly and everything else, but f*** seagulls. I do not own the trailer park boys or this clip. The show focuses on the misadventures of a group of trailer park residents, some of whom are ex-convicts, living in the fictional Sunnyvale Trailer Park in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. He is often made fun of for … Ricky: Rush's don't do stuff like that. Ricky: What do you mean? Ricky: I gotta kill this f***in puppet, Julian. Still, now that we’re almost twenty years into the boys’ story, it can be hard to recall some of the best Trailer Park Boys quotes. Julian: Calm down Ricky, I'm just grabbing some take-out. Ricky: Boys, what the f*** is up with me getting shot with three darts, and it didn't even affect me? — Trailer Park Boys (@trailerparkboys) October 16, 2017 But like the German writer, Lahey was a poet.
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