They are bordered by dark eye rims, like her brother Nuka. —Nuka und Vitani, "Komm jetzt, Nuka! You and I take naps all the ti-" Nuka whirled around and growled, "He's not napping, Vitani! Unlike Nuka who hates Kovu for being treated specially by their mother, Vitani is o… Vitani Her attitude, even as a cub, is confident and spunky, and she's not afraid to outwit her larger and older brother. Vitani, Swahili meaning: Battle (Original name said to be Shetani, which means "Satan" in Swahili) There are virtually no hints in TLK2 to who Vitani's parents may be. Spezies Kovu will Simba helfen, doch Vitani stößt Kovu mit einem kräftigen Tritt ihrer Hinterbeine gegen eine Felsen und Kovu wird für kurze Zeit außer Gefecht gesetzt. … Check out inspiring examples of nuka artwork on DeviantArt, and get inspired by our community of talented artists. His … Zira, Nuka, Vitani, Kovu, Gira and Scar's loyal followers were exiled to the Outlands because Zira attacked Kopa. Even as a cub, Vitani displays aggressive and vicious characteristics, taking enjoyment in taunting and fighting her brothers. Nuka left the cave because both his parents hated him, he told his playmates about it. Vitani seems to have picked up a sarcastic nature from her mother, which she tends to use against Nuka. Nuka was born in The Pride Lands during Scar's reign to Zira, who later had two other cubs named Vitani and Kovu. Alles in allem ist sie also eine kämpferische, selbstbewusste Löwin, die streckenweise sehr nach ihrer Mutter kommt, im Gegensatz zu dieser aber durchaus ein Gewissen besitzt. Er ist eifersüchtig auf Kovu, weil er als der Nachfolger von Scar auserwählt wurde. — Vitani zu Nala während des Angriffs, "Nein Mutter. Löwe Nuka's next major appearance is as an adult, wandering the elephant graveyard with Vitani. 27 Comments. König der Löwen Wiki ist eine Fandom-Filme-Community. Nuka durchtrennt den gespannten Ast mit seiner Kralle, sodass Vitani kopfüber zurück fällt und lacht sie aus. Als Zira dann mit Kovu im Maul kommt, ist sie wütend auf Nuka. NamyGaga. So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. "Both my parents hate me! Vitani ist zuerst mit ihrem Bruder Nuka zusehen. His inner ears were a darker brown with a tuft of black fur sticking out from each. His judgment can understandably be called into question when he grows into a young adult, as he initially accuses Kov… Despite being the oldest of Zira's children, he is neglected by Zira in favor of Kovu, Scar's chosen heir. Lots of lies have been told as of late, sins have been committed. Der König der Löwen 2 - Simbas Königreich, Die Garde der Löwen: Das Gebrüll ist zurück, Der König der Löwen 2 - Simbas Königreich Charaktere, Der König der Löwen 2 - Simbas Königreich Bösewichte, Seiten, die Referenzierungsfehler enthalten, Sie reißt an einer Baumrinde herum. However, if we consider her unique appearance, we might be able to make a reasonable guess. But when Simba told Zira that Scar was not the true king, she attacked him. Verwandtschaft Zira cried, … He expresses revulsion at their surroundings denying Vitani's dismissal of his repulsion as fear. He is voiced by Andy Dick. Vitani ist ein Charakter aus Der König der Löwen 2 - Simbas Königreich. Auch war sie ihrer Mutter überaus loyal, wagte jedoch im entscheidenden Krieg, sich als erste gegen sie zu stellen. Vitani möchte mit Kovu kämpfen, doch Zira unterbricht sie. Schattenland (ehemals) Vitani ist ein Charakter aus Der König der Löwen 2 - Simbas Königreich. Vitani Want to discover art related to nuka? Both Nuka and Vitani have freckles, something both Zira AND Kovu lack, and that I think Scar had as a cub. The first half of the film she can be seen challenging Nuka's hopes of ever becoming king and scoffing at his claim that he could lead if only his mother would give him the chance. Both Vitani and Nuka have dark eyeshades around their eyes like Scar, something that Zira lacks. Kionis also obediant as well. Hopefully I can tackle the first chapter in a week? Kiara ist schon auf der Jagd. "No..." she whispered, crying. Vitani beharrt, sie habe es mit ihren eigenen Augen gesehen. Males and females are opposites in the … "No." Vitani: Nuka, wo ist Kovu? Hast du ihn schon wieder alleine gelassen? Daddy's just taking a nap. Vitani gets a little irritated with Nuka, as she shows when they get prepared to burn the Pride Lands and find Kiara. It's nothing to cry about. Vom Körperbau her wird sie ebenfalls schlank und knochig und schlägt hier durchaus nach ihrer Mutter. His whiskers were bent in a few places on either side. I proudly can say that this is my favorite one, so I hope you enjoy it too. Not too many … Sie ist genervt, da Nuka sich unmöglich verhält. Nuka is a scraggly lion with brown fur, with grey fur on his mouth and underbelly, red eyes and a scrawly black budding mane, goatee and elbow hair. Vitani has freckles, permanently extended claws, and is a notch less angular than her mother. Als Erwachsene wird ihr Fell grau-cremefarben, ihr Pony geht zurück, ihre Augenbrauen werden wuscheliger, ihre Wangen runden sich, ihre Nase bekommt eine dunklere Farbe und sie bekommt Sommersprossen. Healthy Nuka and Vitani. Background is a sketch based on a background from the movie. Vitani ist eine helle, goldbraune Löwin mit blauen Augen, dunkelbrauner Augenumrandung, schwarzen Augenbrauen, pinker, dreieckiger Nase, weißen Zehen und einem wuscheligen Fell auf ihrem Kopf, das es so aussehen lässt, als hätte sie einen kleinen Pony. Filme Nuka along with Kovu, Vitani, Zira and their pride appear in the Disney Junior series The Lion Guard episode "Lions of the Outlands", which takes place in the middle of Simba's Pride. Would Vitani stop teasing and bickering with Nuka if he looked more ‘normal’? Heimat Join the world's largest art community and get personalized art recommendations. Sie springt auf Simbas Rücken, kratzt und beißt ihn. It makes sense: These freckles disappear from Nuka when he becomes an adult, and Vitani gains them when she becomes a young adult. Sie ist die Tochter von Zira und die Schwester von Nuka und Kovu. Check out inspiring examples of nuka … Very fun (and probably painful… for him ) to mess with. 1K Favourites. Vitani steht rechts neben ihrer Mutter und beobachtet das Schauspiel. He's DEAD! Because of his arrogance, Nuka is irresponsible and detached from his siblings, leaving Kovu to brave the Outlands alone despite the cub being Nuka's responsibility. — Vitani wehrt sich gegen ihre Mutter. Vitani is a laid back and confident lioness cub who doesn't leap into battle unless necessary, though she responds fiercely when confronted. Wir müssen uns beeilen!" She has unusual blue eyes and is likely the only lioness in the pride with them. Darauf beginnen einige Löwinnen nachzudenken und als Zira droht, ihre Tochter zu töten, sind die Schattenländer so angewidert von ihrer Anführerin und stellen sich auf Simbas Seite. Upon joining Simba's pride, Vitani becomes the leader of her own formed Lion Guard, a… Vitani is Zira's daughter, and her scout as well as her Second-in-command, a position she presemably shares with her brother Nuka. As suggested by the film, Vitani was born a Pridelander shortly before the fall of Scar and was exiled to the Outlands along with her mother, brothers and Scar's band of loyal followers by Scar's nephew Simbaafter he became King. Log in Join. Zira gibt das Zeichen zum Angriff und Vitani ist die erste, die sich dagegen wehrt. ", said Nuka to his playmates, "Scar chose Kovu instead of me!". Als der letzte Angriff naht, an dem Kovu und Kiara nicht teilnehmen, ist sie wie die anderen vom Schlamm bedeckt. Genervt erinnert sie Nuka daran, dass er auf Kovu aufpassen hätte sollen, und dass ihre Mutter wütend sein wird. Want to discover art related to nuka? When Zira returns with the wandering Kovu, Vitani greets him and challe… She is the daughter of Zira and is the sister of Nuka and Kovu.Vitani's name was originally going to be Shetani, but the word means 'she-demon' in Swahili; so it was changed to Vitani, which can be taken as a portmanteau meaning "I Am War". Sie singt in Ziras Wiegenlied mit. Hell no! Kovu, Nuka, and Vitani will all guest star on The Lion Guard and will be voiced by their original voice actors: Jason Marsden, Andy Dick, and Lacey Chabert, respectively, Entertainment Weekly reports. Let's take into account Vitani's yellow-golden-blonde coloring, dark eye 'rims', and a … Vitani is a very minor character and thus has little to do with the film. Vitani kämpft gegen andere Löwen, bis Kiara kommt, und sagt, dass sie alle eins sind. Even as a young adult, she is shown picking at Nala over the disappearance of Kiara. He's DEAD, okay? Vitani is seen first as a young cub, arguing with her brother Nuka over Kovu. Sie steht nahe bei ihrer Mutter Zira. "Nuka, what's wrong? Sie ist die Tochter von Zira und die Schwester von Nuka und Kovu . Nuka reforming would tell a significantly different message in the movie than Vitani reforming, as we saw the obvious relationship between Nuka and Zira (and not so much … His inner ears are a darker brown with a tuft of black fur sticking out from each. Her nose is pink, unlike her mother and brothers, and her tail tuft is dusty brown. She points out that Nuka's failure to babysit Kovu will get him in trouble, and scoffs at his claim that he could be a better leader than Kovu. Despite her more violent tendencies, Vitani is known to be a stickler to the rules, following her mother without question and not doubting Kovu as Nuka so often does. Vitani. Außer sich vor Wut, läuft sie zu ihrer Mutter Zira, die ihr anfangs nicht glaubt. Sie ist bei dem ersten Angriff auf Simba dabei. After defeating Scar, Simba was approached by Zira, who told him that Scar had chosen Kovu to succeed him as king. Vitani looked down, tears now spilling from his eyes. Das Geweihte Land Unlike Nuka, she never seemed to resent Kovu for being the chosen one. Sometime in between the events of The Lion King and The Lion King II: Simba's Pride, he was banished to the Outlands alongside Zira and the rest of Scar's followers. Nuka is the son and eldest child of Zira, the older brother of Kovu and Vitani and the secondary antagonist in The Lion King II: Simba's Pride. Genug" He is first seen ambushing Jasiri, telling her to stay away from the watering hole, only to bested by Kion. Krieg (Vita),[1] Ich bin (Ni)[1] Vitani is a slim lioness like her mother, but more creamy colors versus tan. Here I'll show you the most interesting theories I found on the internet; these theories represent fan's opinions and are not considered as canon till Disney's confirmation.None of these theories are mine, but I could have modified some just to adapt them to the style of the video. All are children of Zira (who will, for now, not appear in The Lion Guard) and descendants of Scar. He is considerably older than his two younger siblings, appearing first as a teenager while Vitani and Kovu are still cubs. Der König der Löwen 2 - Simbas Königreich Die Garde der Löwen. Some short time after Kovu's birth, Scar's nephew and the rightful king Simba returned to The Pride Lands to defeat Scar and reclaim his birthright. Auftritt Nuka: Ist mir doch egal....ich sollte König sein! Vitani is Zira's daughter, half-sister to Nuka and sister to Kovu.
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