milk jug gardening winter
Winter sowing involves sowing seeds outdoors in mini-greenhouses, made of milk jugs, deli containers and other sealed plastic containers. Have you ever grown succulents? How to Start Tomato Seeds Indoors Using Starting Trays, University of California Extension Master Gardeners: Seed Starting, Clemson Cooperative Extension: Starting Seeds Indoors. Jan 19, 2014 - Explore Pam Grossmann's board "milk jug garden" on Pinterest. Milk or water jugs work well, or you can use 1-liter (1 qt.) If you have ever tried this method, I’d love to hear! A freeze shouldn’t affect your greenhouses provided sprouts haven’t appeared. Use a spoon to scoop out individual seedlings and roots systems with minimal disturbance to neighboring plants. Jenny Harrington has been a freelance writer since 2006. Recycling a plastic milk jug into a seed starter greenhouse minimizes garbage and saves money, since you won't need any elaborate seed growing systems. Recycled seed starters. Close during spring nights to protect the plants from frost. Water the soil when the surface dries by filling the drip pan with water and allowing the soil to soak up the moisture. Space seeds about 2 inches apart in rows set 2 inches apart, unless directed otherwise on the seed packet. Label with a sharpie marker or use painters tape so you will know what each jug is supposed to grow. The part of the jug that is cut so it will open – leave shut in winter and open in spring for sun. Her published articles have appeared in various print and online publications. Set the jug top over the top of the jug bottom to create a miniature greenhouse, which helps retain warmth and soil moisture during germination. There is no need to wait until after your frost date to plant your seeds. These miniature greenhouses are ideal for starting seeds outdoors, with very little assistance from growers. Even in the bitter cold months of winter, you can start planting your spring garden outside using these ideas for homemade, mini greenhouses made from recycled containers. Here’s how to do it. Since the jugs are placed outside during the winter, the seeds naturally begin to germinate when conditions are right. You may have tried it yourself, in the vegetable garden, sowing spinach and corn salad (mache) in the late fall for harvesting soon after the snow melts. Use a sharp craft knife to cut the bottles around the middle, but don’t cut completely around the jug – instead, leave a small uncut area to work as a “hinge.” We’ll still use opaque milk jugs, but will add more drainage holes growing forward. The seed lies dormant all winter and is ready to sprout the first chance it gets, in the spring. Milk Jug Winter Sowing: How To Start ... - Gardening Know How Remove the jug top and move the tray to a location that receives about eight hours of daily sunlight after the seedlings germinate. Winter-sowing is an outdoor method of seed germination (invented by Trudi Davidoff) which requires just two things: miniature greenhouses (made from recycled milk jugs) and Mother Nature. Cut Open the Container. Place outside or, in my case, in the greenhouse. To get started with winter sowing, you’ll need supplies you probably have around the house. You can winter-sow your way to a beautiful garden, too…for pennies. Cut off the bottom of the jug with a utility knife so you have a 3-inch deep seed-starting tray. (ad), “We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.”. A kiwi container is another good one. The ubiquitous milk jug: We toss it out without a thought. #williamsonthego #statebystatetravel, Looking for my Favorite Travel Products? Set the jug bottom inside a shallow pan to catch any draining water. Previously, she owned her own business, selling handmade items online, wholesale and at crafts fairs. But did you know that the unassuming plastic container could have a whole new life ahead of it? It is called Winter Sowing. For this step you will need: - A Sharpie or other marker. Tips for creating your own mini-greenhouses using milk jugs, potting soil, and setting it in the snow with this relatively new alternative to starting seeds under lights. To convert a two-liter soda bottle or milk jug into a miniature-greenhouse, use a utility knife to cut a horizontal slit half way up the side. Plastic milk containers or milk jugs can be recycled. Otherwise, stay tuned. Jess: the milk jug cap remove and never use, this will allow for ventilation and rain and snow in. Rinse it in a solution of nine parts water and one part bleach to sterilize it. . Required fields are marked *. Gallon-size milk jugs provide large seedling greenhouse, but you can grow large single plants, such as tomatoes, in 1/2-gallon jugs. Fill the jugs with potting soil and plant a sprinkling of seeds in each jug. Soil, seeds and a hinged milk jug are all you need to start winter sowing. The seeds will know when they should sprout in the spring. 1 Wash a 1-gallon milk jug with warm water and a few drops of liquid dish soap. But I have seen this on lots of pinterest boards and gardening blogs so of course, I have to try it. Use a box knife to cut around the outside of the container. Fill the jugs with potting soil and plant a sprinkling of seeds in each jug. Winter-sowing is an outdoor method of seed germination (invented by Trudi Davidoff) which requires just two things: miniature greenhouses (made from recycled water and milk jugs) and Mother Nature. Rinse empty milk jugs and cut in half – leaving just enough to make a handle you can bend open. Empty the excess water from the pan after each irrigation. The winter sowing method uses clear bottles, such as milk jugs, as small greenhouses. Here are some containers to consider for your winter sowing milkweed adventures: 1. Keep in mind you can make these greenhouses anywhere from four to 12 weeks before your final frost date. Just keep in mind that your containers should be at least 4 or 5 inches deep and the top of the containers should be somewhat transparent, so the sun can shine through. Sharon Williams is a mom of 3 who loves to read, travel, crochet, work in the flowers and spend time with family. Plant lettuce seeds in the jug when nights are chilly, usually between late winter and early spring. Winter sowing is a method of starting seeds early in homemade, mini greenhouses made from empty milk jugs. Wash the jug bottom and top in warm, soapy water. Before you recycle them, you might want to consider using them to avoid buying new plastic items or other new products. But the high quality plastic can also be used in a number of different ways around your home and garden. But, we have the same gardening obsessions and seed hoarding tendencies. You should have a base container and a flip top. The handle makes it eas to tote in the garden. //, Family Travel & Lifestyle blogger on a mission to see all 50 states! Allow the jug to air dry. Directions Rinse empty milk jugs and cut in half – leaving just enough to make a handle you can bend open. Fold the top back over and use duck tape to create a seal around the middle. A jug and seeds First, you'll need a clean and empty plastic milk jug, Smyth says. #hobbie, A taste of winter in Kentucky Smyth says it's called winter sowing and it's perfect for those who want an early start gardening. For spring sowing, sow plants when chances of freezing have passed. Saturate the soil using a lighter sprinkler setting with a hose, watering can, or even the … Fill the drip pan with 1 inch of water. Winter sowing is great because it gives us gardeners in Western New York something to do when it’s cold and snowy out. soda bottles or similar containers. Monitor the soil moisture and mist the soil surface with water if it begins to dry out, although the soil should dry slowly if the milk jug top remains in place. Make four equally spaced holes in the bottom of the bottom to provide soil drainage after planting. The process is inexpensive, uses recycled materials, requires no electricity, […] Initially, I did my winter sowing alone. One of the most popular articles ever written for Northern Gardener was on winter-sowing perennials. Use a box cutter or pen knife to cut around the middle of the container. Plastic containers, like milk jugs, 2-liter bottles or clear-lidded clamshell-type containers serve as a mini-greenhouse for the seeds. Milk jugs are popular. We first met at a local garden club. Wet The Soil. Wait for them to start growing. Should they be in the greenhouse or outside like some pinterest posts show. Homemade milk jug greenhouses are a quick and easy way to start your garden early. Water them gently with small drips of water. . Cut a plastic milk jug nearly in half. I m. How will I know if they are getting enough moisture? When to Sow Seeds in Milk Jugs This method works in the early spring and winter. It's easy to obtain and easy to prepare. Cutting the Jug. Allow the soil inside the milk jug to soak up the moisture through the drainage holes until the soil surface becomes moist. Save the top of the milk jug and set it over the plants in the garden if they need late season frost protection after transplanting. When she's not blogging, she's probably out enjoying life so she'll have something fun to blog about tomorrow! I got a new box fr, Today we went exploring and discovered @paradisepo, Even though there is freezing rain outside, I’m, Daffodils coming up down by the creek! Supplies Needed for Winter Sowing: Several clean, plastic, gallon-sized milk jugs or water jugs, plastic deli containers or anything else you can come up with. With a simple permanent marker, blade, and scissors, you can create five incredibly useful gardening tools. After transplanting outdoors, wash the jugs and reuse them again next your or simply toss them into the recycle pile. Over the years the gallon-size milk jug or water bottle has become the iconic container for Winter Sowing. Slice off the bottom inch or two of your milk jugs, and use them as a tray for … . When to sow your milk jug greenhouses If you don’t want to do the winter sowing technique, it’s really important to know when to sow seeds for your growing area or zone. Transplant seedlings straight from the milk jug and into the garden when they are approximately eight weeks old, or transplant them into larger 3- to 4-inch diameter pots. I garden on a city lot in Ottawa, KS in and Kim lives on a 10-acre farm north of Ottawa. You can winter-sow your way to a beautiful garden, too… for pennies. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. Sow the seeds in the prepared soil, planting them at the depth recommended on the seed packet for the specific plant variety. See more ideas about milk jugs garden, milk jug, garden. First, you need some gallon milk jugs, orange juice containers or something similar. 2. Seeds will take their cue from nature and germinate on their own in the spring. When gardeners use winter sowing, they plant seeds outdoors in winter to give them a head start on the spring growing season. Save a few translucent or clear plastic containers for sowing flower seeds in winter. Starting seedlings indoors in the last weeks of winter provides you with plenty of flower or vegetable transplants for your spring and early summer garden. But I have since paired up with a gardening partner, Kim Tappan, and together we plot our gardens each year. I’ll keep you updated on the process as soon as I hopefully have germination and growth! Fold the top back over and use duck tape to create a seal around the middle. The milk jug garden is a simple step toward in ground gardening. Empty any remaining water in the pan. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.
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milk jug gardening winter 2021