Happy birthday to you! You're in the right place! Greetings from me (or leave out mij and put your American name.) This page provides all possible translations of the word happy birthday in the Dutch language. How do you say Happy Birthday in Italian? Here’s an example: So the next time someone gives you a beautiful bouquet of Dutch roses, or invites you to a birthday party, you’ll have plenty of options to thank them for it. Happy birthday, Grandpa. We hope this will help you to understand Dutch better. thanks for any help! The informal "you", used for friends and family members, is used inside the card. You can complete the translation of happy given by the English-Dutch dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grévisse We hope this will help you to understand Dutch better. Relevance. Geniet van uw speciale dag !! Elapsed time: 60 ms. © 2013-2020 Reverso Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. Do you know Dutch? Happy Birthday Messages & Wishes in Dutch. You may be right, i'm drawing a blank right now. My Dutch is a little out of date, but I will look into it. icqanne. English So let's see if Einstein will sing "Happy Birthday" to Al Gore. Traditions for celebrations around the world always vary, but birthdays are one of the things that all people have in common, even if they speak different languages. Gelukkige Verjaardag Buddy !! fijne verjaardag At 80, it's time for a "Joseph" or "Deborah" birthday." Lang zal hij/ze leven (Long shall he/she live) Lang zal hij/ze leven, Lang zal hij/ze leven, Lang zal hij/ze leven, In de gloria, In de gloria, In de gloria, Hip, hip, hip, hoera! Translation of "happy birthday" in Dutch Adjective Adverb Noun gelukkige verjaardag fijne verjaardag hartelijk gefeliciteerd gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag feliciteren prettige verjaardag At 60, you will have an "Isaac" or "Elisabeth" birthday. Well, happy birthday, love. If you’re wondering what the Pennsylvania Dutch dialect sounds like click here to hear it spoken by a non-Amish Deitscher woman from Northumberland County, PA. For a translation of what she is saying click here.Click here to hear the dialect spoken by Douglas Madenford in 2017.. Pennsylvania German Dictionary on Amazon.com. A Dutch friend of mine's Bbay is coming up, so I would please like to know how to wish him well in Dutch. You could also add: Hallo. Gelukkige verjaardag! These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Hier is alles oke. Enjoy your special day!!) carteanniversaireimprimer.com Geburtstage sin d i noffi zi elle Feiertage sind immer gefeiert und selten vergessen. At 70, you will celebrate a "Jacob" or "Anna" birthday. BabelFish.com® since June 28 1995. Source(s): happy birthday dutch: https://biturl.im/gsmFB 1 0 It may have been in Dutch. "Er is een overweldigende hoeveelheid van inbreuk op het auteursrecht van happy birthday.". Here is the translation and the Dutch word for Happy birthday: Fijne verjaardag Edit Hip, hip, hip, hoera! Happy birthday can also be shortened to just gefeliciteerd. Take a sneak peak at Dutch cards on 123Greetings which users are sending at this time. Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword / Codeword Words starting with Words ending with Words … Please report examples to be edited or not to be displayed. Here is the translation and the Dutch word for Happy Anniversary: (I wish you a healthy and successful life ahead. Would you like to know how to translate happy birthday to Dutch? bab.la arrow_drop_down bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar Toggle navigation The Dutch have taken this a step further and assigned a couple to each decade of a person's life after 50. Find more words! How do you say Happy Birthday in Chinese? Translations in context of "Happy Birthday to you" in English-German from Reverso Context: The ca 32cm large display with the inscription "Happy Birthday to you" and the two smaller stands with the same lettering decorate every table atmospherically. In this article, I’ll teach you 14 ways how to say “thank you” in the Netherlands. With Reverso you can find the English translation, definition or synonym for happy and thousands of other words. 30: Ever since you showed up, things became brighter and happier. During the tea and cake part, usually you will go around a circle, and serve your guests. Everything is fine here. I sent a birthday card to a woman from Holland. fijne verjaardag Dutch; Discuss this happy birthday English translation with the community: 0 Comments. The gifts, the cake, the celebration… Birthdays are a joyful occasion, to be sure! We met some Dutch women in Mindo, Ecuador and asked them to sing Happy Birthday for us. Find more Dutch words at wordhippo.com! how do you say "happy belated birthday" in dutch? Happy birthday!, Happy anniversary! Hoop hetzelfde bij jullie. Send Birthday greetings in Dutch. Ik wens u gezond en succesvol leven vooruit. I hope it is the same with you. Results: 1603. Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. The Dutch have several traditional songs for birthdays, but this is one of the fun ones. You must host your own party. 5 Answers. Happy Birthday, my love. ik wens je een gelukkige verjaardag. Notify me of new comments via email. Happy Birthday to you! Beyond the 50th Birthday . I want to be with you always. Exact: 1603. Greetings from me. Translated : Happy birthday. Translation for 'happy birthday to you' in the free English-Dutch dictionary and many other Dutch translations. A typical Dutch birthday will include tea and cake, and then afterwards a meal of some sort. (Text inside card - a quote by the 18th Century Author Jean Paul - translates as: Our Birthdays are feathers on the wide wings of time. Zalig is the word traditionally used by Catholics (the Pope uses it) when saying something in Dutch at Christmas. Happy Birthday, darling. interjection verb /ˈhæpi ˈbɜːθ.deɪ/ /ˈhæpi ˈbɝθ.deɪ/ Said or written to a person who is celebrating his or her birthday in order to convey the good wishes of the speaker or writer (literally, "may you have a happy birthday") (colloquial, transitive) To wish … i thought it would be cute to say it in dutch to them.... Update: i also need to say "hope you had a great day - sorry to have missed it!" Answer Save. How to say happy birthday to you in Dutch. Gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag! It may have been in Dutch. scott on May 22, 2011 Reply. Happy Birthday, Buddy!! I sent an email to an instructor in Holland, and he said that happy birthday in Dutch is Proficiat met je verjaardag. Translated: Hi. Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange. They are not selected or validated by us and can contain inappropriate terms or ideas. When you hear the lyrics and the melody of "Happy Birthday to You ", you know there is a celebration , and someone s special day . bab.la is not responsible for their content. So take this as an opportunity for more speaking practice! There is no “help yourself” at the table. Best wishes for your Birthday. © 2018 The Babel Fish Corporation. Dutch Translation. How do you say Happy Birthday in Portuguese? Wens Hope een gelukkige verjaardag van mij. Make sure to give the birthday celebrant 3 air-kisses when you greet them & say Congratulations or GEFELICITEERD. Wish Hope a happy birthday, for me. In Dutch happy birthday is Proficiat met je verjaardag. Context sentences for "happy birthday" in Dutch. happy birthday to you. The whole “gefeliciteerd” thing in Dutch is basically just short for “gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag”, which just translates to “happy birthday”, the “gefeliciteerd” could also be translated to congratulations in those other situations and that’s where I think things go a bit wrong, in no way it is meant to be like that. x. These examples may contain rude words based on your search. How do you say Happy Birthday in Spanish? Groetjes van mij. more_vert. The words to the chorus of Lang Zal Ze Leven are as follows, and usually only the chorus is sung to the birthday boy or girl. Vrolijke verjaardag, opa. The site is correct, happy birthday in Dutch will always be Proficiat met je verjaardag. Dutch birthday songs. Nou, gelukkige verjaardag, liefje. I just thought you might want to wish Jamie a. 29: On your birthday, I want you to know just how wonderful you are and how happy I am to have you in my life. Protestants say Prettige kerstdagen (nice), Gelukkig kerstfeest (happy), or Vrolijk kerstfeest (cheerful); a lot of variation is possible. And for even more fun, the last line can be repeated over and over to match the age of the person whose birthday is being celebrated. In Dutch happy birthday is Proficiat met je verjaardag. i missed a bday and they are dutch! Dutch words for happy include gelukkig, blij, gelukkige, blijgeestig, blijmoedig, blijde and heuglijk. You are the man that I love, and I cannot imagine being without you. Here are some Dutch songs used to wish people a happy birthday. I saw a note near the mall that read: 'Vandaag wilde ik mijn oma een gelukkige verjaardag.' Please lend a helping hand to other users by adding your own Dutch translations. 14068 views The nicest way to say it is to say "Gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag!" More Examples of Happy birthday in Dutch. Which literally means "Congratulations with/on your birthday." If you have documents, a website, an app, or anything else that requires a thorough, accurate translation by native-speaking English linguists, Translation Services USA can put you in touch with the right people. Asked by: Jenn Natuurlijk, een persoon die een gelukkige verjaardag vaak bevat zingen een lied. Text front of card (Fijne Verjaardag) means "Happy Birthday". 0 Votes 0 Votes 0 Votes. There are actually two typical birthday songs and they 1) the traditional Dutch birthday song “Lang Zal Ze Leven” 2) the traditional English tune “Happy Birthday” song but with a twist. I hope this helps. Now that you've learned the Flemish word for "happy birthday", maybe you also need English translation for your document, website, or app? Most Dutch people wish someone a "Fijne verjaardag" and usually say "Gefeliciteerd" when they attend their birthday or when they shake the hand of the birthday-person (which we call the "jarige") to congratulate them. I saw a note near the mall that read: 'Vandaag wilde ik mijn oma een gelukkige verjaardag.' How do you say Happy birthday in Japanese? How do you say happy birthday in Japanese? I sent a birthday card to a woman from Holland. These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search. dutch, happy birthday. How do you say Happy Birthday in Ukrainian? If you want to know how to say Happy Anniversary in Dutch, you will find the translation here.
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happy birthday to you in dutch 2021