Why? The only “weapons” I allow at my “crime scene” is cock. Rocco, I could see you being the person in high school that got punched in the arm and made to sniff other peoples underwear in the locker room. Have fun on the computer on a Friday night. Thats why im glad to say that even though me and all my brothers and sisters grew up in the hood we all have college degrees!! Don’t be mad!!!! LMAO. Then come and meet me over at 301 S.Willowbrook in Compton. I believe people can change. Let background info on me… I’m 14 years old and I’m White but I’m down for the cause! CRACKER PUSSY CHOPPER. And that’s even if I’m only talking to other blacks. This only proves that you must have had that happen to you to even know about it. ),.Stop Crying about how badly some bKlaCC man hurt your feelings you emotional,Crying,female,and wipe your eyes and wipe and blow your snot filled nose you know your nose always runs when you Cry riCo.And apparently that unmighty bKlaCC pee’d on stone nation allah raping shyCago Nigger!!!!!! And then you come on here trying to “rep your set” by calling us niggers and monkeys?!? Your dismissed!! And will LEARN HOW TO SPELL, YOU DUMB IGNORANT ANIMAL. If what your doing gets results than ok. Every fucking time the neighborhood changes from just A FEW Blacks to a vast majority of Blacks, the area becomes a Shithole. Shiiiiiit don’t know who the fuck you think your talking to bitch but I don’t know you and you DEFINANTLY don’t know me. And who you are is A LYING LOW LIFE NOBODY! Or, you can respond yelling and screaming about some other democrat bullshit but I have life to live. You mean WHAT did I do. And that if brother like you and me can grow up in a gang neighborhood and make it so can they!! Because the truth hurts and YOU CAN’T HANDLE IT. You sir are the scum that is on the floor of a public restroom. YOU AINT INVESTIGATING SHITT… you just a boring punk ass white boy fascinated with the ghetto!! But believe me since you like saying the “N” word and your real tough I DEFINITELY WANT TO TAKE YOU UP ON YOUR CHALLENGE!! That is the long and short of it. As far as the locker room comment. Whether you like it or not we will talk soon. They fall under the Gangster Crips AKA Trays (3x) also known as Movin Gang. Marina. As its happening, I want you to look into the camera and tell your viewers how much of a fake ass bitch you are. I am Black and proud say it loud. On August 28, 2015, a man can be seen … Now, do you get it? Then, nobody has to dodge any bullets. Did this sorry ass Suburban terrorist say “come to Huntington Beach”….OHHHHH NO HE DIDNT! That’s no BULLSHITTING! Rocco ur not going 2 do shit but snitch and get someone locked up u pussy….cant fight worth a licc….and the AB told me 2 tell u 2 come on home diccs been mighty dry sense u left. Davenport was on pretrial release on four different sets of domestic violence, gun and drug charges. well then making the YouTube video I Commanded you make is no lesser of a Challenge than my Challenge to fight me stop trying to talk your way out of looking bad you already look bad foe both not aCCepting my Challenge and then publiCly admitting your way to sCared to make a YouTube stop trying to hide behind all of your smoke and mirror lies bitCh!!!!! I’m glad to say my daughter graduated with top honors from King drew Medical High School. HA! Which, by my account, means your a fake. . I guess I’m doing my job. Black Police Officers or other Black Men or Women in Law Enforcement are generally very fine people and should be respected for the fine Job they do. Its also good to know you dont have the same thinking as that white supremacist rocco. Don j trump should be president! We located him just off of St. Louis Blvd on the south side of Chicago. WHO ORDERED KILLINGS You and his supporters are delusional and in dreamland!! 4). Rocco. Black men who belong to these neighborhood Sets ARE Niggers. I. 2). 4). Your priorities ARE ASS BACKWARDS. I know plenty of white people who are in some way tied to law enforcement and they have way more class than you. fuc u Nast white hillbilly hockey! Dont have to read that shit. It’s hysterical. I do not know who you work for but aside from your racial bigotry you have done nothing wrong. ALLAH WILL fuCC you (“roCCo”),and the great thing aCout me is that I think all whites are (hONKEYS!!!!!!) That’s all you Niggers talk about all fucking day. Criticize me all you want, my point is, what IS happening on these streets, should NOT be happening. You can be whatever you want to be You just have to I have all day. Am. Our subroutine and trace tools mark you somewhere in the Midwest. Jefferson is widely recognized for his assault on three Los Angeles police officers. 7). and the faCt that you felt that need to explain something that everyCody on this website already knows and that is that you have been Called names just really shows that bKlaCC men Calling you the word (hONKEY!!!!!!)
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